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Pure Proteins

Pure proteins form almost 80% of the macronutrient category of supplements. The reason for this is that one of the biggest advantages of supplementation is the convenience with which one can have superior quality nutrients. In terms of inclusion into a sports nutrition diet, the most challenging and logistically impractical task is to get the right quantum of first class proteins into every meal, every day. It is the protein powder category of supplements that makes sports nutrition possible for the average fitness enthusiast and competitive athlete.

The Story Of Whey

Whey protein, once considered as worthless by-product of the cheese-making industry, is now a premium ingredient in the sports nutrition industry. Although Whey protein supplements have recently received mainstream acceptance, its use dates back to the Greek period. It has been documented that Hippocrates - “The Father of Modern Medicine”, used liquid whey for boosting immunity and muscle growth around 2500 years ago.

In the 21st century, with technological advances, liquid whey has been transformed into whey protein supplements as we know them today.

A Complete Protein

    ✔One of the protein present in milk. (4% of total milk protein)
    ✔High biological value of 104.
    ✔Complete protein providing full spectrum of amino acids including the 9 essential ones.
    ✔Naturally contains higher amount of branched chain amino acids (BCAAS) required for muscle building.
    ✔Fast-digesting protein, which makes it ideal for post-workout recovery.
    ✔Rich source of health beneficial bioactive protein micro-fractions.

Whey Protein Micro-Fractions

Whey is a combination of bioactive protein micro-fractions viz. Beta-lactoglobulin, Alpha-lactalbumin, Immunoglobulins, Lactoperoxidase, Glycomacropeptide and Bovine serum albumin. Each of these micro-fractions have specific benefits and health- promoting properties.

☞Antioxidant protection

Alpha-lactalbumin makes up 15-20% of whey protein. It has high amounts of the amino acid Cysteine, which is required for formation of Glutathione – the body’s endogenous antioxidant.


Beta-lactoglobulin, Immunoglobulins, Lactoperoxidase, Lactoferrin, Glycomacropeptide and Bovine serum albumin together boost immunity. These microfractions have anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-viral properties that together help fight against infections.

☞Rich source of BCAA

The microfractions Alpha-lactalbumin, Beta- lactoalbumin and Glycomacropeptides are rich source of key BCAAs which are required for triggering muscle protein synthesis.

Types Of Whey

Whey protein powders are available in three forms, depending on the type of technology used to process liquid whey. These include:

Whey Protein Concentrate

Whey Protein Concentrate is the first form of concentrated whey protein derived by an ultrafiltration process. Depending on the extent of filtration, a high quality Whey Protein Concentrate can have protein percentage ranging from 34-80%. Whey Protein Concentrates have a low fat content, but the lactose content in them is still higher than other forms of whey.

☞Intact Microfractions

Because of comparatively milder processing, Whey Protein Concentrates are able to retain bioactive microfractions in an intact form compared to the other types of whey proteins. An imbalance in this microfraction ratio can affect immunity post-training.


The microfractions Alpha-lactalbumin, Beta- lactoalbumin and Glycomacropeptides are rich source of key BCAAs which are required for triggering muscle protein synthesis.

Whey Protein Isolate

Considered the purest form of protein, Whey Protein Isolates have the highest percentage of protein content, close to 90%. The high protein content obviously means lower amounts of lactose, fat and ash minerals. As a result, Whey Protein Isolates are also absorbed faster in comparison to Whey Protein Concentrates.

☞CFM Technology Superior to Ion Exchange Technology

Whey Protein Isolates are generally obtained either through Ion exchange or Cross Flow Microfiltration (CFM) technology. The major difference amongst the two being that Ion exchange involves the use of acid treatment to charge the particles and isolate Whey protein from the fat, carbohydrate and mineral compounds. This use of acid, however, leads to destruction of valuable protein microfractions. In CFM, Whey Protein Isolates are derived using membrane filtration which cause minimal destruction of these microfractions and result in a highly valued Whey Isolate product.

☞Low Lactose content

Because of the advanced processing, Whey Protein Isolates have negligible amounts of lactose – the milk sugar that is difficult to digest for those who are intolerant. Whey Protein Isolates are therefore perfect to use for lactose intolerant or sensitive individuals.

Hydrolyzed Whey Protein

Whey Protein Isolates when undergoing hydrolysis, result in Hydrolyzed Whey Protein. Hydrolysis involves breaking of long amino acid chains into smaller chains (usually di and tripeptides).

☞Whey Peptides

Whey peptides are chains of two or more amino acids. These shorter chain length whey peptides enter the blood stream immediately and result in faster amino acid peaks. Hydrolyzed Whey peptides therefore help in faster recovery and speed up muscle building activity.

Whey peptides are not found in stand-alone form. Because of their unique fast-absorbing nature, they provide additional benefits as part of a Whey blend.

Whey Blends- Get The Best Of All Whey Proteins

Each of the whey proteins have their own distinct advantage, which are desirable for any fitness enthusiast as well as a hard- training athlete. Whey blends offer this unique benefit by combining the advantages of different whey proteins.

  • Whey Protein Concentrates provide bioactive protein microfractions as found naturally in whey.
  • Whey Protein Isolates have higher protein percentage with minimal sugar and fat content.
  • Hydrolyzed whey proteins are pre-digested which result in faster amino acid supply to muscles.
