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Wellness Line WOW! Protein Pancakes 1 kg

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Have a taste for pancakes, but no time and energy to prepare them? Choose for FA WOW! PROTEIN PANCAKES! This is a product that contains all the necessary ingredients to prepare delicious pancakes quickly, conveniently and without any problems. The real advantage is that each pancake is a source of complete protein!

Have a taste for pancakes, but no time and energy to prepare them? Choose for FA WOW! PROTEIN PANCAKES! This is a product that contains all the necessary ingredients to prepare delicious pancakes quickly, conveniently and without any problems. The real advantage is that each pancake is a source of complete protein! Add a bit of water and a single serving of the product, mix the whole thing in a shaker or a bowl and set aside for 5 minutes –  then pour the mixture onto a heated, greased frying pan and you're done! The all-purpose, natural flavor means that the pancakes can be served with any toppings. Find out that with this product your daily diet will be even simpler!

What are the benefits of FA WOW! PROTEIN PANCAKES?

  • Easily dissolved powder with the necessary ingredients to prepare pancakes.
  • Natural flavor – pancakes will work well both as a dessert and as an addition to salty meals.
  • A single serving of the product contains as much as 10 g of valuable whey protein.
  • Protein contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass 
  • Protein helps maintain healthy bones
  • Natural carbohydrates from ground oatmeal – support glycogen renewal and a source of additional energy

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